COVID themed photo series

Create an exhibition of photos of Orlandoans in a humorous but poignant pose that exposes how our connections have transferred from human touch to that of a screen. This exhibition would bring a smile and provoke thought at exhibition places like, Orange County Administration Center, CityArts and empty storefront windows of downtown.
The questions raised:
- What would it look like if we had to social distance in ALL aspects of life,
- What if we had to do this for an indefinite amount of time,
- What if we had to do it to the nth degree?
The answers, to be honest, in my mind’s eye it were quite frightening, awkward, and at the same time comedic. That gave birth to this photo series. 5 images dedicated to the pandemic.
I've attached the 5 images. Please don't share them with anyone as they haven't been shared with the public yet.