Metro Secret Santa: Twenty magical gifts for 2020

This year has been incredibly difficult for our country. The impact on the pandemic is exponentially worse for lower-income and less mobile residents in our community. Public transit is a lifeline to connect our community and the increasing cuts for service and coverage directly affect the most disenfranchised of our community.
I would like to create some magic in 2020 for 20 DMV kids by riding the metro for a day and randomly giving out $50 cash gifts in envelopes to kids in each of DC's eight wards. Last year I dressed up as Santa for a dog-park fundraiser and it was an amazing experience; the responsibility of that suit and how kids (and even adults) react to it is absolutely magical. As an tremendous introvert and behind-the-scenes worker bee, I relish the opportunity to be a festive ghost of goodness for the community. I want inspire and create some magic for DMV kids, their families, and members of the community with the help of AFDC.
100% of this grant would go to the community through the direct $50 envelopes and weird whimsy of seeing Santa riding the DC metro and bus. I own a full Santa suit with beard and gloves, and have a metro card with money on it that is just wasting away. I believe I have the right temperament, and the figure to do the job well. I also have envelopes and time, as well as a mask, tongs, and sanitizer to do this safely and socially-distanced.