Plants for Patients 2020 Annual Ceramics Pro-Throw

Plants for Patients (P4P) hosts an annual event, inviting many local ceramic artists together to create wheel thrown pottery for our work with the clinic and sales. We use this event to increase our stock and create 300-400 pots for the next year. We have already been working on this project and being unable to gather together has stretched it over an extended period of time. We will continue to provide clay for at least 10 artists to use in their personal space, collect the work from them, and provide the glazing, and firing.
Paired with the Pro-Throw event, we have been engaging our volunteers in the making process using clay kits. Due to our normal studio space being unavailable, we have had to build up a stock of tools for our kits. The money for this grant would also go towards growing Plants for Patients tool stock, allowing us to provide independent events at a variety of locations.
As stated above, we are already working on these projects and will continue until we are able to restock our shelves.