Covid Tech Connect

We are sourcing and distributing donated tablet computers to American hospitals to facilitate video calls between hospitalized Covid patients and their families so they can say goodbye with dignity.
This project started as a request from a nurse at Lenox Hill Hospital who is caring for Covid patients in hospice. Less than 12 hours later, the same request came from a doctor at Weill Cornell who is overseeing their makeshift Covid hospice wing. Because hospitals are essentially operating under war-zone principles right now, Covid patients are unable to have a family member stay with them once they are admitted. Many of them spend upwards of two weeks hospitalized in total isolation. And those who die, die alone.
It doesn't have to be that way.
In the 72 hours that we've been working on this problem we have connected with over 50 hospitals that also face this need. It is not too far a reach to conclude all 6000+ American hospitals will need this over the course of the next three months.