United For All (Kingston United Soccer Club)

United For All is a brand new charity under Kingston United Soccer Club. Every year we have players who are unable to pay for soccer training and associated fees for a variety of reasons. As a club, we attempt to find ways to cover these costs for these players in an unofficial capacity. Due to limited available funds (often from anonymous donors), we are only able to cover some of the fees.
Many of these soccer players are from refugee families and are often new to Kingston and to Canada. Making sure these players have a place in sport can have an invaluable impact. It addresses many issues facing underprivileged youth in the City of Kingston. It is generally accepted that there is an obesity epidemic and a lack of fitness level facing youth. Starting and keeping kids in sport is one way to combat this epidemic. Sport often fosters positive life skills as well. Studies have shown that kids who are in sport are more likely to stay in school, maintain higher grades, finish high school and continue on in school. It is our hope that starting kids in sport early and supporting kids to stay in sport will encourage a "Fit for Life" attitude.
By reducing as many financial barriers as possible, it is our hope that United For All will be able to assist as many players as we can to stay in soccer.