Abortion Access Front

Every year, Abortion Access Front travels to states where abortion is most at risk and where we’ve fielded requests from clinics in need. We also look for areas where progressives may feel isolated and without a community. We bring pro-choice people together to celebrate with music and comedy shows, and then connect the audience with local abortion providers and activists who give them tangible ways to fight for abortion access. We're committed to strengthening grassroots reproductive rights networks and bringing new people to the fight!
Everywhere we travel, we also provide acts of service and caring to independent abortion providers so they know that they don’t stand alone in the wake of anti-choice threats and violence. We also create fun networking events for local activists and new volunteers. And we’ve increased our capacity to do direct public action: we to confront anti-choice extremists at their rallies, crisis pregnancy centers, fundraising events and harassment actions.
This year AbortionAF: The Tour will travel to from coast to coast with stops in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Maine, Texas, Washington, Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi. We will kick off our tour in July with a “week of action” in Milwaukee that gathers activists from across the Midwest to join locals in counter protesting Operation Save America who is coming to town for a major harassment action. We’ve created an amazing week of community events, clinic support/defense, counter protest and a public awareness campaign that exposes Operation Save America for the bigoted extremists they are.