Babies Who Volunteer

The second of two Awesome Ottawa awards for December goes to Jessica Turner to support baby days at long-term care homes and day programs.
Jessica's project, Babies Who Volunteer, is a newly established non-profit that organizes baby days at long-term care facilities, day programs for seniors, and retirement residences. "During baby day sessions," Jessica explains, "our young volunteers quickly get to work delivering hugs and kisses, playing peak-a-boo and patty cake, listening to stories and songs, and bringing joy and smiles to the seniors they have come to see. By just doing what babies do, our volunteers work their magic and leave a lasting impact." Babies Who Volunteer, which already has over 1,000 volunteers, has made more than 400 visits to 37 homes since it started in February 2018.
Jessica is an educational assistant with the Ottawa Catholic School Board and has been volunteering with seniors since she was eight years old.