Santa Sack Challenge 2018

This is the 4th Christmas event of the Santa Sacks Challenge to provide Festive Fare for the local elderly in Glasgow. The gauntlet for the challenge has been picked again by Glasgow Caledonian, Strathclyde & Glasgow Universities and their University Nurseries as a Junior Challenge.
Last year over 220 elderly in care homes, social housing and the regular attendees to the Fred Paton Centre received a Santa Sack/Box with lovely festive goodies, warm blanket, gloves, hats & scarfs. For some the only gift received at what can be a lonely time of year. Topped off by a personal written Christmas card from the students.
Although the main objective has always been to spread some Christmas Cheer to our local elderly residents, another key objective was intended to utilise Santa Sacks as a vehicle to bridge an intergenerational divide which has proven to be the case as the years progressed.
"University Of Glasgow Nursery Manager Caroline McVeigh described the benefits of taking part in the Santa Sack Appeal as a very good opportunity to involve the children in the local community while making links between generations. Collecting for the Appeal helped the children to develop intergenerational understanding and respect allowing children to become effective contributors and responsible citizens. University Of Glasgow Nursery staff, children and their families generously donated and the children had fun counting all the items to be gifted to the local elderly residents throughout the West End of Glasgow. We look forward to participating again this year."
Each year Santa Sacks grows and evolves. Positive feedback would indicate the recipients are delighted with the thoughtful gift and partner organisations have confirmed in many cases this is their only gift at what can be a difficult time of year for many.
Without good will, hard work and effort of our participating young students this annual event could not happen – long may it continue.