The MCAT Cooperative

Now that I'm here at the Univ. of CO School of Medicine I've been trying to help other pre-meds become doctors by offering low-cost test prep for the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT), coaching, mentoring, and application assistance. The cost of the course is less than half of all other prep courses and it offers a lot more than all of them. What makes my program even more awesome is that the course is taught by actual medical students who do their best to offer friendship and support to the students. I'm able to keep it low-cost by partnering with other student organizations around campus with similar interest - hence the "Cooperative" in the name. I just started the program this spring at CU Denver and I have 8 students participating right now. I have received strong interest from the CU Boulder pre-meds that I start a course here also. I have high hopes that the program could grow and begin funding scholarships for students who are underrepresented in healthcare (low-income, first gen, or minorities). My highest aspiration is to one day make this a national program so that we can take eliminate the financial and cultural barriers that have been created by all the major corporate test prep companies who ask for over $2000 per student and don't provide the much needed extra support for students underrepresented in health care.