Backpacks & Blankets

We are requesting funds for our plight to help the homeless, with our “Backpack and Blankets” Project. Winter will be upon us soon. The weather is already cold and will only get colder. TOMORROW’S GIRLS & WOMEN mission is to put together homeless care backpacks with essential items to help people living on the streets this winter. In addition we will offer fleece blankets and emergency (space) blankets. These NASA designed, foil-type blankets are designed to be wrapped as close to the body as possible and will hold in 90% of body heat. This can mean the difference of life or death on a freezing night.
We have seen measurable success with past community outreach efforts, and are confident that this program will blossom as well due to the immediate and ongoing need. There are numerous other organizations and projects which take on the task of dressing and feeding people and giving shelter. Yet very few for the homeless individual, who does not or cannot find inside shelter. “Backpacks and Blankets,” is designed for people who don’t have a permanent home which means they are not able to prepare food regularly, don’t sleep in the same place for very long, don’t have any safe place to store things and are possibly living and sleeping outside. Taking into account that they may have to carry all or most of their belongings on their back and may not have ways to get back to anything they have stored once they move on.