
Thanks is a reward scheme that attempts to engage students in a way not achieved by any other. It does this by being built around thanking others for their help rather than on teachers deciding who should be rewarded. It allows students and teachers to decide who should be rewarded together by thanking those who have helped them.
As a result it is not limited to just students who can be rewarded but teachers also. This can allow a school to gain a sense of community by bringing everyone together in an attempt to help each other out.
The system is designed to display all thanks publicly for everyone in the school to see. This helps to stop misuse (on top of our sentiment analysis checks) as well as give people the public recognition they deserve for being a good member of the community.
Not only does the system handle the giving and display of thanks but also has built in statistical and raffle systems. The raffle system allows those who have been thanked more frequently to have a higher chance of winning prizes that the school is offering. This all comes together to allow the school to reward those who help out the most within the school.