Asset Based Resource Center

Detroit Phoenix Center is a community based, nonprofit organization that exists to improve the outcomes for youth who are experiencing homelessness. Our services empower young people, ages (14-24) to improve their health, wellness and self-sufficiency.
Homeless youth, also called unaccompanied youth, are defined as“individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.”(NAEHCY, 2016). It is estimated that 1.6 to 1.7 million youth experience homelessness each year (NAEHCY, 2016). Homeless youth are at a higher risk for substance abuse, mental health issues, and sexual exploitation. In addition, many lack proper health care, job readiness skills and are predisposed to educational barriers. In, Detroit MI, it is estimated that ten to thousands of youth are homeless. These youth aren’t receiving the services they need because they are invisible.
The Asset Based Resource Center will be a safe haven for homeless youth ages 14-24. Services at ABRC include will include basic necessities such as food, clothing, personal care items, a place to rest, lockers, access to phone, computers and email. Showers and washer and dryer facilities will also available free of charge. Supportive services will also be provided at the ABRC. These services address a variety of needs including help getting ID’s and birth certificates, housing referrals, mental health services, job readiness training, education support, counseling, education, parenting and independent living skills workshops and computer training.
The ABRC will serve as a one-stop shop where homeless youth will have immediate access to a combination of services, rather than having to go to various locations for different services.