Mothers Against Terror Extremism & Radicalization

The MATTER mission unites Muslim mothers (although our mandate focuses on Arabs and Arab diaspora, mothers of all nationalities and religions are encouraged to come together and join us) to share knowledge, insights, and challenges and to provide moral support aimed at affecting positive outcomes whether it be effective methods of teaching children tolerance, acceptance, and non-violence, introducing kids to causes that help victims of terrorism –even including bullying and peer pressure, and other every-day challenges facing mothers.
Mothers are best suited to eliminate possibility of such occurrences, yet mothers need support too and it's proven that mothers benefit by strong peer support networks of friends with common circumstance.
By not allowing children to isolate themselves, mothers can insert themselves into any questionable circumstance and deter extremist ideology from growing and leading to that slippery slope that may lead a child to a point of no return. Most critically, the imperative for motherly involvement is at the basis of Islam wherein the belief is the family is the foundation for all else. Engaged mothers make a difference. As one prominent Muslim mother explains, “Extremists try to divorce kids from their family, their objective is to become your family.”
*Current Situation & How You Can Help*
Some statistics may help. According to experts at the Global Security Institute:
64% of family and friends knew of a person’s intent to engage in extremist activities yet said/did nothing to counter
Personal grievances can be an indicator of ones propensity toward violence and extremist behavior
While “at risk” often described as disenfranchised, angry, and socially isolated youth represent great danger toward radicalization, the “uncommitted” segment, defined as youth who are seeking identity, acceptance and purpose pose an equal threat.