"A Single Vote" Suffrage Ballet

The League of Women Voters of Nashville (LWVN) and the Nashville Ballet are developing an exciting new project to bring a milestone in Tennessee history to life for middle school (grades 5-8) students. In 1920, young Representative Harry Burn cast the single deciding vote to ratify the 19th amendment that gave the right to vote to women in America. It was a crucial victory for American women as well as a powerful reminder that one vote can change the course of history.
We believe that ballet is the perfect medium to recreate the drama of this event! Beginning in the fall of 2018 and continuing through the centennial celebration of the Suffrage Amendment in 2020, the 5-member touring company of the Nashville Ballet will present the program to middle schools throughout the region. The League of Women Voters will develop accompanying classroom curriculum to incorporate into grade level history classes. While the suffrage story is included in the 5th grade history curriculum for Tennessee schools, the current curriculum guidelines focus entirely on the historical events instead of including the civic lesson of the value of voting. LWVN wants to provide this critical addendum.