C.R.E.A.M. - Art Basel Ice Cream Social

Hi! Thank you for considering this project for next month's grant.
C.R.E.A.M. (Creativity Rules Everything Around Miami) is an ice cream social that will take place during Art Basel. The event was originally planned for the summer, however, there is a major lack of family-friendly events during Basel and we plan to fulfill this need. Also, the youth are full of creative energy, yet there seem to be hardly an events during Basel that feature young artists. //
This year, we plan to change that and spark a trend that will carry on for years to come and inspire generations. C.R.E.A.M. is a unique event that combines something that mostly everyone can enjoy (ice cream -- and yes there will be vegan & lactose-free options!) with an inspirational message to teens to explore their dreams and discover & express their highest creative potential. //
The event will take place on Saturday, December 5th from 12pm - 7pm. It is presented by WAKEUPSTAR*, a Wynwood-based media collective; T.E.E.S. (Teens Exercising Extraordinary success); XLACED, a creative collective run by recent HS grads; and Mikey Likes It ice cream. //
Each group comes together for the sole purpose of providing platforms and channels that foster creative, spiritual and economic growth within young, urban communities. //
The event will be planned & produced with direct involvement from people under the age of 25/ There will be art installations by youth aged 13-19, and live performances from musicians aged 15-25. The artists & musicians will also speak on a panel during the event, sharing their experiences living out their dreams & pursuing their passion in arts & entertainment. //
In addition to live music, interactive art and youth panels, we will also have games, giveaways, sketch artists and vendor/info booths.. //
The event is curated to honor youth & diversity in Miami's creative scene, and will take place in historic Overtown. We've already received over 70 submissions & have a venue.