VFW Historical Mural

The purpose of this project is to paint a mural on the exterior walls of VFW Post 3308 in Tallahassee, FL.
The building walls will include a progression of paintings that depict the history of the VFW, from it founding during the Spanish-American War to sections of walls depicting WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Gulf War, Dessert Storm, and finally the War on Terror. The mural will also depict the Statue of Liberty, the Washington Monument, Lady Justice and the Lincoln Memorial. All sections of the mural will be framed with a flowing flag embossed with the slogan "Freedom Is Not Free" and intertwined with, "In God We Trust."
This entire mural will be a history of the VFW and the role it played in defending the lives of all Americans.
This grant will fund supplies needed for local university artists to paint a historical war mural at the post, located at 2769 West Tennessee Street in Tallahassee, FL.