The “Growing With A Tree” Campaign

The idea is to imprint (without indoctrinating) ideals of environmental stewardship, on to the impressionable minds of little children by giving them an active hand in environment restoring practices; in this particular instance tree planting. The campaign seeks to cultivate a sense of care and encourage children to grow and nurture what we choose to call a 'green conscience' by participating in the "Growing With A Tree" campaign.
The campaign which targets children from the ages of four (4) to nine (9) will see us going from school to school, engaging pre-schoolers and children from grades one (1) to six (6) to plant a tree and look after it or rather 'GROW WITH IT' over the period of their scholastic stay. This gives the children the chance to not only imitate good green practices but will provide them with a sense of ownership and will encourage them to adopt an attitude of care for the environment. Trees (seedlings) planted will be of various genome; they will include fruit trees, medicinal trees like Moringa and indigenous or exotic species such as Eucalyptus and Pinus.
The seedling will be planted within or alternatively around the perimeter of the school. The "Grow With A Tree" campaign aims to involve as many individuals in their formative years as possible, we seek to engage children in as many schools as will allow and our target will be to plant at least 500 trees at the little hands of our future generation by the end of the year.