Revolutionize Laʻie Elementary Writing Curriculum

Laie Elementary School (LES) prioritizes the need for a Writing Continuum to support student learning throughout all subjects.
According to our SBA results from 2023-2024 school year, some of the English & Language Arts writing targets that students struggled with or was measured below proficiency were:
• Target 1: Narrative writing and revising brief texts
• Target 6: Opinion writing and revising texts
• Target 8: Writing language and vocabulary use
• Target 9: Writing editing
To improve in these areas and better support teachers in providing appropriate writing curriculum in the classroom, a National Board Certificated Resource Teacher will provide professional development training for LES faculty based on the award-winning program “The Writing Revolution” by Judith C. Hochman.
On January 7, 2025, all 45 permanent teachers and paraprofessional educators (PPE) are required to attend the Castle-Kahuku Complex Planning and Collaboration Day, when the training will take place. To more fully immerse in and effectively learn the new writing program, the NBCRT highly recommended purchasing hard copies of the textbook, “The Writing Revolution 2.0: A Guide to Advancing Thinking Through Writing in All Subjects and Grades” by Hochman and Wexler.
The goal for this project is for LES teachers and PPEs to become certified in The Writing Revolution Hochman Method and have the needed materials to fully integrate the program into their teaching curriculum for the rest of the school year.
With this certification and textbook, our goal is to promote continued discussion and use of the writing program in (1) Weekly Team (Grade) Collaboration Meetings, (2) Bi-weekly Grade Leadership Coordinator and Extended Faculty Meetings, and (3) individual End-Of-Year Evaluations with the Leadership Team (Principal, VP, SSC, & CC).
Should the writing program and materials prove to be successful, the Leadership Team is committed to continuing the writing program into the next school year.