South Side Providence Meadow

"In Providence’s South Side neighborhood, there is a lack of high-quality green spaces available to children and families which results in disproportionate environmental risks and health impacts in the community."
Autumn Jencks—a 2024-25 Terracorps service member for the Audubon Society of Rhode Island—is working in collaboration with the South Side Boys and Girls Club to provide environment-focused education and environmental infrastructure to urban neighborhoods of Providence.
Awesome Foundation's gift will support the purchase of native plant seeds, nutrient-rich potting soil, and rich topsoil to reinvigorate the existing, depleted soil. Also, chicken wire to build germination containers for the seedlings. The Boys and Girls Club seeks to purchase shovels, rakes, a wheelbarrow, and bug nets to encourage curiosity around bugs.
"This project will serve not only the 3,500 kids that spend their time at the South Side Boys and Girls club but also their families and neighbors. This space is only a small project within the greater movement to generate accessible and beautiful urban spaces to every community in Providence."