Angel Heart Pajama Project

Angel Heart Pajama Project is the vision of my 84 year old mother,my sister and myself as founders. During our early years of adjusting to a new language and culture, mom always found money or the means to purchase new pajamas and books. The tradition was something we looked forward to during holidays and special celebrations. Mom has continued the tradition with granddaughters, grandchildren, and now with a new great granddaughter.
My sister and I recognized that this tradition provide us with the stability and a love for reading. Through our profession we recognize that Arizona has a record number of children in state custody(14,000). These children often go to foster-care in just the clothes they are wearing, and many of these children have seldom enjoyed the security, love and feeling that someone cares about them.
Angel Heart Pajama Project's main program activity will be to distribute new pajamas and books to enrich the lives of children in need. The children that we will serve primarily come from foster care, shelters and homeless. By providing free pajamas and books we will be able to bring comfort and love like a warm hug at bed time. Parents all over the world know that there is a special bonding that happens at bedtime. We hope to bring this joy and also encourage the joy of reading. The Angel Heart Pajama Project will make an impact on the children's lives and will leave a legacy for generations to come.
Angel Heart Pajama Project knows that pajamas and books are needed for the children all year long. Our project's mission is a year long project.
We have currently approached to service 90 children from just one agency A Place Call Home. We know your support will help us meet the needs of many more children.