Yoga for Women, on the Inside and Outside

This yoga program will serve a population of soon-to-be-released incarcerated women and recently released women, returned citizens. This three-part series offered to both populations will focus on basic asana poses, breathwork, mindfulness, positive affirmations, and journaling. This yoga program will be in conjunction with the Televerde Foundation workforce development program. This yoga program will be embedded in the Televerde Foundation program, which focuses on incarcerated women acquiring workforce skills and certifications to achieve job placement upon release. On the personal development side, these women build strategies to reduce stress and cope with anxiety. Women in the Televerde program will be provided this 3 part yoga program to develop a yoga practice to reduce stress as they prepare to re-enter society. The second population consists of women who have already been recently released. These women will join the 3 session yoga workshop on Saturdays to continue their readjustment to society. This yoga program will be offered to both populations, while on the inside working towards release and the other group that has just recently been released. This three-part series will focus on techniques and strategies: basic asana poses, breathwork, mindfulness, and positive affirmations one can use regularly and in times of increased stress.
The Televerde Foundation: