"Help Us Grow"
Help us Grow.
The Cornerstone Home and Gardens is a fledgling 501(c)(3) established to provide, jobs, productive day programs and one day a small, but safe residential community for adults on the Autism Spectrum.
The keystone of the unique program will be a public garden in the Ridgefield, Connecticut area that will allow visitors from the community to explore, enjoy and learn about their environment, it’s sustainability, and beauty through horticulture. At the same time, the gardens will provide jobs and day programs for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Professionals, as well as employees with special needs, will work together at the gardens.
The statistics are staggering. In the United States, one in 110 children will be diagnosed with ASD, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ASD knows no boundaries and can occur in all racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups. About 13 percent of children in the U.S. have a developmental disability. They can range from mild such as speech and language impairment, to serious disabilities such as intellectual, physical, and autism.
A recent study in the Journal Pediatric found that two years after leaving high school more than 50 percent of those with autism had no job experience and, when compared to people with other disabilities, have a harder time getting a job. We want to change that.
The gardens will provide a place where young adults with varying abilities are encouraged to develop their potential. There will be on-site job opportunities and training.
This will also be a place for the community in general. Once established, we plan to offer a variety of programs for everyone, regardless of age or ability. Many of the activities will be open-ended and enjoyed on a walk-in basis. We plan to have several permanent exhibits including a Children’s Garden, vegetable and cut flower gardens that will offer educational advice for the home gardener.