New Rules Collective – Signage

NEW RULES is a minority owned, Northside – Minneapolis, Benefit Corporation (social enterprise) and collective that builds ecosystems & solutions for Black & Brown communities where economic, health & wellness and education disparities breed. We activate unproductive buildings in overlooked communities to co-create innovative spaces that are designed by the community to solve problems they have identified for themselves, both personally & professionally.
NEW RULES develops much more than a physical space – we are a nexus between arts, culture, community, and technology.
In 2015, we organized and conducted a design thinking workshop to learn more about key issues that attribute to the economic, education and health/wellness issues within the community, drawing out over 200 people in and outside of N. Minneapolis. In the results, people shared their need for accessibility to food, affordable workspace, places to network and commune, and business & professional training. Our response was to purchase the historic commercial complex located at 2015 North Lowry. Over the course of 18 months, we have invested over 5,000 hours in sweat equity and nearly $200k in personal savings to restore the building to what it is today — New Rules, a new legacy for North Minneapolis.
On October 15th 2016 New Rules on Lowry opened its doors to the public providing workspace, retail and event space the with mission to contribute to the growth of individuals and communities by providing space and holistic resources that expand their creative and professional pursuits.
We are seeking $1,000 to help us cover the cost of New Signage. Since launching we have received feedback such as “I always wondered what you all do here – because theres no sign!” Or people navigating to our space have shared our building isn’t visible and hard to locate. Lowry is the second highest street on the Northside and we are currently missing the opportunity to let the community know that there is this great resource here in the community to help them in the pursuits of their passion.