PCIS Mural

Piqua City Schools displays the Success Bound characteristics in all of the main hallways at each school. At PCIS we wanted to do something different, a MURAL! PCIS Students have chosen 11 famous men and women, some even from our city of Piqua to include on the mural depicting the Core Values of PCIS. These core values include humility, awareness, excellence, relationships, toughness, inclusivity, respectfulness, responsibility and kindness. The mural reads "Our past does not determine who we are. Our past prepares us for who we are to become." Some of the famous men and women include The Mills Brothers, Martin Luther King Jr., SSgt. Pitsenbarger and Gandhi just to name a few. The link above includes all of the specifics for the mural and a representation of what it should look like. Students in LEAD picked the famous figures and the whole school voted on who they would like to see on the success bound mural.
We believe at PCIS that it is the relationships made with students, parents and the community that mean the most and allow for our students to be so successful. Students should be proud to be from Piqua and to have attended Piqua City Schools.
Here is the link for the project if the above link does not work: