Winter Hope Bags for the Homeless in Arizona

I started my non profit, Sargeant's Army when I was 11 years old to honor my cat Sargeant who died of cancer. Originally I sewed cat toys out of fabric scraps and donated them to shelters. When Covid started I used my sewing skills to sew and donate over 900 masks to health care professionals. I heard that the homeless youth in Phoenix needed masks over the summer and sewed some for them. I decided I wanted to do more to help the homeless and I decided to start making Hope Bags that include masks and personal hygiene items. I started providing Hope Bags on September 1 and I have distributed over 2400 to 11 different organizations that support the homeless in 7 different counties throughout Arizona so far. For my Winter Hope Bags I would like to provide a hat, gloves and a homemade scarf in addition to hygiene items. In 2021 my goal is to provide 10,000 Hope Bags throughout Arizona, providing them to homeless organizations in all 15 counties in Arizona.