Juice Up 412 Community Engagement Project

Our weekly pop up juice bars Spring-Fall 2012 in the Strip District and at various events across the city have created an "awesome" buzz about our budding company, product and developed a promising, diverse customer base and following. As a means to interface with and educate current and future customers, we are endeavoring to launch the Juice Up 412 Community Engagement Project, a two-pronged media approach to engage the community in a broader discussion about health, wellness and nutrition, highlighting the benefits of juicing, food justice and showcasing local businesses, people, and resources in the industry. This project consists of 2 elements:
1) The “I Juice” Campaign is a 1-3minute grassroots video we would like to produce highlighting local thought leaders & changemakers who can testify to the importance of juicing as a larger component of health & wellness. This video will feature our customers who are seasoned in living the “Juice Life,” as well as those who have been recently introduced to juicing via our pop up juice bars and want to further explore and embrace the benefits. It will be promoted through various social media channels as a means to raise awareness about Juice Up 412, the advantages and great taste of fresh juice, and introduce general health, wellness, and nutritional concepts.
2) The Juice Up 412 Movie Nights are a 3 part monthly film series tackling the issues of Health &Wellness, Food Justice & Food Access in underserved communities. We would like to host them monthly in an accessible community space, featuring one film, per event (Soul Food Junkies by Byron Hurt, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross, and Food Inc by Robert Kenner). These events will also feature juicing demonstrations and tasting, brief presentations from local food and health industry business owners and resources, lots of conversation, and of course our juices will be available for purchase.