Made In Hackney - Local Food Kitchen

The Made In Hackney Local Food Kitchen is a local food grounded vegetarian community kitchen. We deliver six week courses to in-need community groups including young carers, low income families and people suffering from health problems. All our courses begin 'outside' either on a growing site or orchard so learners get to understand what healthy, organic, sustainable food is from soil to saucepan. The remaining 5 lessons take place at the Made In Hackney kitchen, an eco-kitchen with recycled units, a counter top made of melted down coffee cups, shelves made of scaffold boards and home-made non-toxic cleaning products. We teach learners how to make affordable seasonal meals; to process local fruit into jams, preserves, cordials; how to forage for and cook wild food and how to get started as a local food based entrepreneur. All our courses include teaching learners about home composting, best environmental practice in the kitchen and introduce them to food labeling and issues such as food miles, carbon foot printing and the impact of the mainstream global food system on the environment and global population. In addition to the courses we host bi-weekly pay-by-donation workshops on a Sunday which anyone from the community can attend, they just have to book a place in advance. Our program since opening has included: The Chutney Jam; Vegan Baking Made Simple; Kitchen Pharmacy; Edible Christmas Presents and Lactic Fermentation!
We also have an apprenticeship program to train people in running community projects and being a community cookery teacher. Our project employs 4 part-time members of staff who all work at least double their paid-for hours!
Most of all our project is fun and celebrates Hackney food culture in a way that's interactive, practical and always a good laugh!
We also have a photo exhibition of local food growing projects and culture all around the kitchen - which is inspiring and beautiful!