Birthing of a Diamond-Kids Project

In 2018 heard about one very low-income neighborhood in Moorhead that was facing high rates or addiction, domestic violence abuse, and single parent households. I decided that I would make this a focus neighborhood of mine to see if I could do something positive to turn around the lives of the children who lived there. That is when Birthing of a Diamond Kids was born.
I have been meeting in a small park in this neighborhood in Moorhead trying to make a positive connection with the kids and youth. We BBQ and have activities, make crafts and engage in deep conversations. This winter I would like to continue my efforts. My hope is that eventually this will develop into a more consistent monthly or even weekly resource for the children of this neighborhood. Many cannot pay for sports activities or clubs and keeping them engaged in the community with positive means keeps them off the street and striving to do better.
$1,000 from the Cass/Clay Awesome Foundation would mean the world to me. Writing grants is something my organization has not done much of and is a concept I have not quite benefited from. I have been doing the work in the community with my own funds or from generous in-kind donations of supplies or food from friends and volunteers who support what I do. I see the effect our gathering has made on these kids and families and look forward to continuing my efforts for this Moorhead neighborhood.