ALA 2019 (Awesome DC + Awesome Libraries Pitch)

On June 22nd, during the American Library Association Annual Conference in Washington DC, Awesome Libraries teamed up with Awesome DC to throw a collaborative live pitch event at OpenGov Hub. Over 100 folks registered to attend and sponsors included: OpenGovHub, EveryLibrary Institute, and B.Lin Catering.
Guest judges included:
Kim Zablud, DC Public Library's Director of Public services
Courtney Young, University Librarian at Colgate University and the 2014-2015 American Library Association President
Overall, 6 finalists were chosen to pitch their library-related ideas and three grants were awarded:
DC-related grant winner:
Building Equitable Neighborhoods with Entrepreneurial Library Innovation by Shenita Ann Grymes
A plan to build a little library in DC's Ward 7 to provide person-centered entrepreneurship resources curated for its community.
Library-related grant winner:
School of Cosplay by Tanya Knipprath
12 cosplay or crossplay workshops wherein participants will make their own costumes in collaboration with members of the community.
Audience choice award:
Very Sad Lab by Naoko Wowsugi and Valerie Wiseman
A house plant rehabilitation and research center in DC.
*During the event the Awesome Foundation grant clocked hit $4 million dollars in grants distributed. We like to think our event put it over the top!