Ballet After Dark

We're an organization that provides free dance therapy workshops to survivors of domestic and sexual assault. The workshops are open to disenfranchised individuals of various levels. We use movement as an alternative therapeutic platform for participants to start journeys of healing. We're interested in curating a photo series depicting the joy movement brings to those in need of healing. The workshops are developed to focus on 3 elements of self-care (physical, mental and spiritual) that will empower and encourage attendees to reclaim their power. Using our tagline of "We're Healing at Ballet After Dark... Where Every Girl Is A Ballerina!", we use elements of ballet such as grace and elegance to boost confidence while helping women to rediscover the royalty within them. We're interested in displaying the photo series at various local gallery spaces. We've recently been selected to be featured at Tribeca Film Festival in a few weeks and are hoping to be able to spread more awareness about the impact this free workshop has. In addition, we do plan to use participants in the Ballet After Dark performance production that will begin curation late 2019.