Run SA Youth

Run SA Youth is a non-profit youth organization that provides incentivized workout programs to kids in underserved parts of San Antonio. Our programs are free, accessible and currently based out of Kennedy Park (78226). The primarily running-based programs consist of 2-3x weekly meetups, free shoes for committed kids, and coaching mentorship. Although our year-round meetups only began last May, we have already held 5 programs lasting 6-14 weeks long. The premise for our meetups is simple; kids meet at a supervised location, participate in an all-levels/ ability-based workout and end with a fun game. Run SA Youth provides snacks/hydrations for each workout. Overall we have encouraged over 300 children in San Antonio to get active.
In addition to our running programs, we sponsor our young athletes in various community events such as Alamo 13.1, SA Rock n Roll Kids Races, and more. To honor the community we serve, we have held two, free community youth running events and plan to make this an annual tradition. The primary fundraiser of Run SA Youth is the San Antonio 5k Summer Series, which is a set of four 5k races taking place at various SA trails. We want to provide access to individuals who may not otherwise participate in fitness events so they feel motivated to join us.