Phoenix, AZ (Inativo)

Este capítulo está inativo. Um capítulo é considerado inativo quando não tiver apoiado projetos em um período de seis meses. Se você estiver interessado em reiniciar este capítulo, por favor entre em contato.

Sobre Nós


Have an idea that makes Greater Phoenix more awesome? Well explain it in a few questions. It's pretty painless. You may add links to the fields if you would like to share more information. NOTE: Please be sure to read all the grant guidelines on our website at

Thank you for sharing your idea with us! We look forward to reviewing your ideas.

Thanks for being awesome!

Submissions are ongoing. Here is the upcoming 2019-2020 schedule for deadlines and awards. Deadlines are on the 10th of the even-numbered months. Awards are given on the odd-numbered month (note dates subject to change). Finalists will be notified within three weeks of the deadline. Locations will be announced via website and social media.

Special Submission Process for "Summer of Awesomeness": Applications submitted from mid-September 2019 to the end of March 2020 will be reviewed April/May and eligible to participate in Pitch Events during which several awesome ideas will be granted awards. More details to come, but get in those applications. Note: no need to re-apply if you have already submitted, unless you want to update an application.

Opt-in to our email list to receive occasional updates and event announcements on the website.

Follow us on social media >>> @awesomephx

Have questions? You can email us at phoenix(at)

Mar 10 2019: Submissions for the inaugural Awesome PHX grant officially opened on the International Day of Awesomeness!
Apr 10: First award submission period ended
Apr 14: First award submission period extended
May 2: First finalists notified and announced
May 30: First award granted to winner Jul 25: Second award granted Sep 26: Third award granted Sep-Mar 31: Submissions gathered for 2020 pitch events

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