Teatro San Antonio presents The Donkey Lady Lives!

Once upon a time, there was a phone number that San Antonio folks could call to listen to a recording from The Donkey Lady. The Donkey Lady Lives! will bring the Donkey Lady back to life in a similar call-in format. Help me launch the start of Teatro San Antonio, a theater focused on San Antonio stories and legends. The Donkey Lady Lives! is Teatro San Antonio's first project. The recorded messages on the phone line will be linked like a series to encourage repeat callers. I will also use funds to culminate the phone line with a performance of La Burra, my one-woman version of the Donkey Lady, at Jump-Start Performance Co. Date TBD once funds are secured. I will utilize social media and flash videos at The Donkey Lady's traditional haunting grounds at the Applewhite Bridge on the Southside to help spread the word about The Donkey Lady's phone number. I will strive to log-in/transcribe caller messages for a possible future performance, because who knows --the messages may be hilarious. I hope to use this project as a model for additional urban legend characters.