Parking Strips for Pollinators

Parking strips, hell strips, parkways - whatever you call them they're typically just a place for grass, dog poo, and garbage! Why not turn it into pollinator habitat instead? I worked with a variety of experts in wildlife habitat, entomology, and botany to create a DIY handbook on creating high-impact pollinator space. But not everybody has the money and the physical means to convert a parking strip into pollinator habitat. Last November I worked with 20+ volunteers to convert 3,000 sq feet of sod into pollinator habitat! With $1,000 I could easily convert another 1,000+ feet.
More than 80% of flowering plants rely on animals to pollinate them. Monarch populations have dropped 90% in the last 20 years, and native bee populations are crashing as well. Habitat destruction and fragmentation coupled with pesticides are leading causes of these problems. A Pollinator Parkways has 3 main characteristics. 1. It's pesticide free 2. it prioritizes native plants to support native pollinators 3. it has staggered bloom times to ensure nectar/pollen for pollinators as much of the year as possible.
Interpretive signs will help encourage those passing by to take action of their own, and lead them to a source that'll help them do it well.