
With some help from a couple enthused individuals, I have started and been running a LARP (Live Action Role Play) group in Homer. We use a system called Amtgard, which is an international organization (we are the sixth group to start in Alaska), really focused on safety. Amtgard is a corporation, with a complicated legal system of its own, however it lacks the funds for financial aid to new groups starting. We have been doing our best here, making what we can.
The point of the creation of LARP here in Homer was that I noticed the youth here have almost nothing to do. I noticed a drug problem among the youth, and decided that we need something to distract the youth. So far, it has been working great. We have an average attendance of 33 people, and meet every Saturday for battles, and every Friday at the Homer Public Library for crafting days. The people involved really enjoy it, and there's things to do for everyone. There are leadership opportunities, which teach good skills for the future. There are combat elements for those who enjoy sword fighting. There are crafting opportunities for people interested in the arts. There are fantasy aspect for people who really just need to escape from the world once a week.
LARP is like reading a book. You can dive into it and release from reality, but in the end you come away with more knowledge than before.