Comic Book Club

Many of the kids who access services at the Neighbourhood Resource Association of Westminster Park (NRAWP) come from low income families, with literacy skills below their grade level. In order to help the youth achieve greater literacy skills, we would like to start a comic book club – an idea originating from the youth. This club will include not only reading comics, but learning about their history: including their origins, as well as their evolution over the years. The youth could learn from local comic book authors, and exercise their own creativity in creating a comic of their own. Because costumes are such an integral part of the comic book experience, we would also like to help the youth develop costumes based on their comic creations. To increase inspiration and give them an opportunity to purchase a comic book, we would like to go on a field trip to a local comic book store downtown. On the final day of the club we will host a mini comic con, where the kids get to show off their comics and costumes. We believe that this club will teach the youth valuable intangible skills in creativity and engagement, as well as the practical skills involved in creating the comics and costumes.