A Good Book Drive

A Good Book Drive is an annual book drive to bring stories to a new generation of readers, and support kids in need of new books.
Running through the month of November, A Good Book Drive inspires Vancouverites to purchase a new copy of their favorite kids’ book and deliver it to set locations throughout the city to be donated to this year’s book drive recipient.
A Good Book Drive has teamed up with a great group of independent Vancouver retailers that will each house A Good Book Box where donors can drop off their favorite kids book. There, donors will be able to personalize their donation with special bookplate labels, sharing their own story of why that book is special. By permanently placing those stories within the cover of the books, children will read the personal narratives and learn about the impact of that book on someone else’s life. After the 30 days of promotion, we collect the books from across the city and deliver them to the recipient. We also celebrate the excitement of A Good Book Drive and create a space to connect over the sharing of stories at a wrap-up event, the last day of November.