Backpacks for youth in Newmarket

We are working on 4th annual Back to school drive that provides over 300 new backpacks each September with new school supplies. These are much needed this year due to numerous requests from region's shelters and youth in the community. Covid-19 has put a lot of financial strains on families declining mental health and increased stress. Youth and children need to go back to school in September with dignity, confidence and respect carrying new backpacks and school supplies. We have over 150 families requests with inability to purchase these items this summer. Many children and youth that are homeless or at risk cannot afford to get new items. Every summer we run fundraisers to collect donations and buy new school backpacks and quality school supplies. This summer fundraisers have been a challenge due to increase in covid-19 cases and overall community donations have reduced due to financial hardships everyone is facing. We are in urgent needs of funds to carry on this project in the next 3 weeks. It will be much appreciated if this request is considered and funds are granted. Our volunteers are ready to start the project and prepare these for distribution in end of August.