A Micro Wildlife Hospital

I've been caring for wildlife since 1995 and have extensive experience rehabilitating koalas, possums, birds and kangaroos. I’ve dedicated 1000s of volunteer hours with several wildlife groups rescuing and treating bushfire injuries, road injuries, heat stress, disease and infection. Although my skills and expertise have evolved, the volume of wildlife needing assistance has only increased as a direct result of climate change and urbanisation of wildlife habitat. I now take on the most high-risk patients from other wildlife carers in the state and help to mentor new and developing carers to increase their skills for the future.
As a young mother of 3 boys, I’m looking for a new way to balance work, family and volunteer work and have developed a plan to build a micro wildlife hospital in my own backyard.
South Australia is one of only a few states and territories that don’t have a government funded wildlife hospital and as a community we rely solely on philanthropy to care and fund those animals which have no guardian. An animal hospital is a facility that houses high risk patients while undergoing treatment and rehabilitation. Without this our system is reliant only on Veterinary Practice and Wildlife Carers which leaves a large gap for the care of high risk patients. Imagine having major surgery in hospital then going home to be cared for by your family and your local GP because hospital wards didn’t exist.
To create a micro hospital I need to build a facility, source equipment (some of which I already own) and supplies (which I can access through other wildlife resources). My existing networks will help connect me to wildlife needing help and help to care for the patients once they are no longer at high risk. To assist me to run the facility I’ll offer mentoring to new and developing wildlife carers, which in turn ensures the skills are passed on for the future.
This enables me to continue providing care for our wildlife while being at home for my boys.