YNGBLKPGH is a social justice movement in a completely different mindset being built through our community to revamp the narrative about what it means and looks like to be young, black, and in the city of Pittsburgh. Not for the media's sake but for our next generations. YNGBLKPGH has first encapsulated into a coffee table book. So often within the city of Pittsburgh, when these three words are put together, a negative story often follows. YNGBLKPGH so vividly articulates the counter narrative to that far to often told story through telling the stories of over 140 of the city's young professional scene, for the sake and hope of our next generations of the city. Within the pages of this, you will find of every
featured person has included their path, a first person narrative of their journey and how they got to where they are now, an amazingly shot photograph shot by Mecca Gamble and a hand written open letter to the next generation of the city of Pittsburgh.
YNGBLKPGH is building a community focused on exposing the possibilities to the next generations of leaders to provide proof that they can accomplish amazing things, all the while being YNGBLKPGH, just like every person in this book.
The book's success has been well documented and is still rising since its release on April 29th of this year. Our author and the premise of YNGBLKPGH has been featured on WPXI/NBC, KDKA/CBS, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The Pittsburgh Courier and countless other national news outlets. As the book and movement continue to grow in popularity and influence our central goal and reason for breathing is still our children and their exposure to what a project like this can mean to them. I am more than a firm believer that exposure and imagery can change lives, and YNGBLKPGH plans to continue down this path, rewriting the future for our children, one letter at a time.