Senior Volunteer Programs Summer Literacy Camp

Elder Care Services' Senior Volunteer Program provides seniors 55 years of age or older the opportunity to fill numerous community needs, while keeping themselves active and engaged. The Foster Grandparent Program provides love and guidance to children with special or exceptional needs at schools, pediatric units and day care centers.
During the summer months, we strive to keep our Foster Grandparents vital and our student supported. This year, we have a unique opportunity to partner with Smith-Williams to provide low income children with a free storytelling program. Storytelling is an interactive and exciting way to build on pre-literacy and verbal skills. Storytelling activities will include opportunities to increase student reading; provide them with exposure to Florida and African folktales, fairy tales and literary stories; hone skills related to traditional storytelling (public speaking, emotional nuance); create programs with other campers (teamwork, communication, conflict resolution); and improve creative writing and performance skills. This camp will run 3 times a week during the entire month of June, but may be replicated at other community centers in the future.