Bay Area Creatives Klub Magazine

I am creating a Bay Area art and culture magazine. B.A.C.K Magazine consists of inspiring artists in the Bay Area as well as young and rising artists and creative minds. B.A.C.K Magazine intends to cover all sorts of creative mediums; Art, Music, Fashion, Dance, Community, etc. I hope that B.A.C.K Magazine will give young artists a platform and a network to get their art and creative ideas up off the ground. My hopes are to help bring more attention to the art community in San Jose. I truly believe that San Jose artists don't get the recognition they deserve compared to the rest of the Bay Area. San Francisco is know for its huge art community. While San Jose is widely known as the heart of the tech community, we also have some amazing artists that are struggling to get by doing their passions.
I plan to create four issues a year. For every magazine launch, I will host an art show consisting of the artists in that issue. The first issue is schedule to release, as well as the art show, on July 28, 2017. Printing takes at least 10 days. I will be printing locally in the Bay Area; I want all the money I spend on this project to be spent domestically, in the Bay Area.