Upgrade Video Camera for Community Events

I eased into (partial) retirement a couple of years ago after 40+ years of providing management consulting and integrated software for local governments and other public sector organizations while helping honcho our company through a continuous thread of spinoffs and mergers since starting there in college. Then with more free time, I began attending several meetup and networking groups in the Ann Arbor area and got acquainted with serial entrepreneur Dug Song, who has been advocating for more meetups to help build a vibrant startup community here.
Since 2009, I've helped several networking groups kick it up a notch or two with event management, record keeping, and especially, video live streaming/recording/editing/posting so people can experience the events remotely or after the fact. The URL above links to dozens of videos I have produced for several groups... and these Google spreadsheets provide a more detailed summary: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AknN2a_xojvPdGVaTk82ZnhqeldicjNTY1pPelMtelE
As the summary sheets show, I currently produce an average of about two hours of videos a week ... nearly all as a volunteer ... for about 10 groups on an ongoing basis (shaded lines on the Google Spreadsheets) and other groups as time allows. My specialty is live video streaming and recording, but I also do video editing where warranted, e.g. for Ignite Ann Arbor talks, etc.
My goal is to continue doing community videos while picking up an occasional paid gig to pay the bills. (It's really invigorating to participate in all of the various networking groups and help mentor others.)
Another volunteer activity I've been involved with since 1993 is as a citizen advocate watching over the Pall/Gelman 1,4-Dioxane Groundwater Contamination Site expanding in Scio Township and through the City of Ann Arbor. I helped set up and manage the non-profit, grass-roots, citizen group Scio Residents for Safe Water (SRSW) and helped formalize the local government involvement with the establishment of the Coalition for Action on Remediation of Dioxane (CARD). I video nearly all public meetings regarding the site, attend CARD & SRSW review sessions, analyze available cleanup data, and produce comprehensive 4-D Google Earth mashups to allow stakeholders readily see the reality of the contamination and cleanup.
In summary, what I do is effectively aggregate information and share it visually to churn ideas.