Art and Craft Supply De-stash & Swap

There is a huge artistic community in Whangarei and after talking to a heap of different makers I know they have all said they have tonnes of unused art and craft supplies in their studios that they'd like to be able to hand on to others. AND they would also love the chance to swap or shop for new supplies they need.
The purpose of this market will be to re-use, re-cycle and re-vamp the art and craft supplies that have been gathering in peoples storage areas and will most likely never make it to their production area. It's a chance to get your de-STASH and re-STASH on!
I also want to have "FREE STUFF" tables where people can contribute and take from these tables as they feel they need to. Whatever isn't taken at the end of the day will be donated to Hospice.
I hope this will become a regular event and will be run twice a year.
If successful this Awesome grant will be seed funding to start the event off and I imagine it will then be able to fund itself from there on in.