Farm to Table Dinner

The idea is to provide a Farm to Table Dinner experience for our community members to enjoy.
What does this mean?
It means supporting our local growers by using their produce in a dinner menu that has been created for that particular evening.
Where would this Farm to Table dinner take place?
The location of the dinner has not been decided upon at the time of this application. However, there are several locations in mind, they are listed below:
• Piqua’s very own community garden at Pitsenbarger Park. With this location community members may experience a place that they may have never known about until now.
• Downtown Piqua, in front of the Fort Piqua Library, after the Farmer’s Market on a Thursday evening.
• Johnston’s Farm
• Or a place to be determined
What would this dinner look like?
There would be a row of tables and chairs uniquely decorated that would spread down the center of the chosen location for seating of 60 to 70 people, with white lights strung around the area.
The food would be served buffet style with volunteers overseeing the serving table. We will work with the Piqua Health Dept. to know what the regulations are in regards to the food prep. and serving.
The menu would include:
• Several different kinds of salads
• Local vegetables
• Meat: possibly pork or beef from local farmer
• Desserts that include fresh fruits
• Several choices of beverages
*all dishes mentioned made with fresh, local ingredients
Who is helping support this idea?
Mainstreet Piqua (Farmer’s Market), the City of Piqua, local growers and individual community members of Piqua.
Who is able to attend the Farm to Table Dinner? And is there a cost?
This dinner would be open to anyone who would like to attend. The cost would be a $15.00 donation per ticket. With the idea being, the donations would be seed money for next year’s farm to table dinner.