Piqua Love Locks

I would like to build a “love lock” structure as an outdoor interactive art installation in Piqua. The most famous example of a love lock structure is the bridge in Paris where lovers would place a padlock on the bridge and throw away the key as a symbol of their love. Many people write or carve their names into the locks. I would like to build a freestanding love lock structure where the people of Piqua can place their own love locks to show their love for each other or to honor those they have lost.
I can build the structure and base, including a built in key trap where keys can be "thrown away" within the structure. I would need to work with the city about where the structure could be placed and getting any necessary permission for the project. (Maybe at lock 9—love locks at lock 9? But anywhere would be fine.) I want it to be a part of our city-- someplace people come to see.
It would be fun to do some kind of unveiling or ribbon-cutting ceremony with a symbolic placing of the first lock on the structure by a couple from the community.