
December’s Awesome Ottawa award goes to Michelle Thompson, who plans to give the $1,000 away to 100 lucky strangers, encouraging each to do something awesome with the money.
Michelle plans to hand out the $10 bills around the city over the next ten days, along with a short letter encouraging the recipient to “make this awesome tenner count.” The letter will offer up some ideas, including:
- Hide it in your favourite book at the library
- Give it to someone you see doing a good deed
- Pick up stamps and send some joy-filled handwritten letters
- Buy a bouquet of flowers and randomly give them away
- Do whatever you think would be awesome!
The letter will also encourage recipients to tweet about their experience of spreading awesome using the hashtags #AwesomeTenners and #10DaysOfAwesome.
"Two years ago,” explains Michelle, “Awesome Ottawa pulled off its first Awesome Tenners campaign, and I immediately fell in love with the idea. By encouraging the recipients to do something awesome with their tenner, I hope we can create a ripple effect of kindness and creativity throughout our communities. If nothing else, I hope to bring a smile to at least 100 faces around town.”
Michelle is an elementary school supply teacher, a Girl Guide leader, and an Awesome Ottawa trustee.