The Numbers Community Studio

The Numbers Community Studios
The Numbers Community Studio is a program that will give underserved communities the opportunity to learn how to record vocals, produce instrumentals, and create music. The community studio will function as a makerspace in which participants will collaborate to expand their knowledge on production software and recording equipment. We will partner with members of the music community as well as novice learners to get a broad range of expertise. Our goal is to give those in the community passionated about music a chance to pursue their interests.
There are many schools in the area with limited funding for arts and music programs. They usually do not implement a curriculum that engages students who are interested in other aspects of music creation. This program is important because it is the only one offered in east portland, a place where artistic creativity has often been overlooked.
We already started operation at the Rosewood Initiative, a community space located on the border of the Portland/Gresham. The studio is open to members of the community of all-ages but is focused on reaching those between the ages of 16 to 25. As of right now we are available Wednesdays from 4pm to 6pm but we are hoping to be open more days of the week. We are hoping with this grant we will be able to get better recording equipment in order to get the best sound for our music and have it stationed in the studio. We have been sharing our personal equipment trying to build momentum.