Gold Rush in Amsterdam

Imagine 779.808 people in Amsterdam looking for one shiny nugget of gold, worth 1000,- euro. Gold fever hits the streets, everybody wants that piece of bling. Wanting is the easy part, the hard part is finding this gem!
The nugget will be hidden somewhere in Amsterdam, deep underground... Off course Amsterdam is to big and pretty to fill it with holes, made by gold crazed diggers. That's why Gold Rush Amsterdam will give away clues on the -yet to be made- Facebook page.
Sounds easy? There's a catch... All the the clues will lead to historic monuments and streets that are linked to the colonial times of Amsterdam, informing the participants of the dark pages of our Golden Age history.
The lucky finder of the golden nugget is asked by note, if he wants to donate the nugget to the Keti-Koti festival (National commemoration and celebration abolition slavery)
Therefor we want to enlighten the dark pages of Amsterdam by a gold crazed rush, and test the character of charity of the lucky finder.