Feminist Camp

Feminist Camp is a week long immersion in feminism -- designed to "show" people what feminism looks like in real time -- beyond the theory. The camp is also an awesome career development opportunity. Students often debate between entering the for profit or not-for-profit sector, but they don't understand the vast range of jobs available in both sectors. Besides going deeper into our daily themes -- be it philanthropy or media or reproductive justice or sexual assault -- the camp is also a place for campers for develop their identities and to create a peer network that will likely stay with them forever. Camps consistently leave the experience and call it "life changing." As summed up by one camper: "I cannot begin to describe what a profound effect this trip had on me." The camp happens 3 times a year and takes place in New York City. Days are long -- 8 am to 8 pm and as most campers stay together in a door room in a youth hostel, the conversing often goes on long into the night. Days include meetings with leaders, mini-interships, cleaning up a park or other volunteering. The campers then take these lessons back to their communities and share with others what they have learned.